Auction Information

6 Reasons Why an eBay Business is the Easiest and Safest Home Business to Start

Calling internet auctions an "Entrepreneur's Dream" isn't poetic license or part of the get-rich-quick rhetoric. Net auctions are the simplest, easiest way on this planet for the little guy to make money.

1. NOT the typical business startup

First, the would-be entrepreneur decides on a product or service. He begs, borrows or steals the money to bring his dream into reality.Then, he faces "The Great Uncertainty" - "Where are my customers going to come from?"

With an Internet auction, your customers are already there and they will come to you! Someone else has very obligingly created an entire marketing structure for us. We need to do nothing to find, literally, MILLIONS of customers.

You don't have to go looking for musicians to buy your guitars, gamers for your games, Mothers for your kids' clothes, or collectors to buy your cars. They will come to you!

2. Start up costs? None. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Can you name any other business that has no start up costs?

Entrepreneur magazine claims that the average franchise costs $70,000! Whoa! And when you buy your franchise, what do you get with it? Oh, employees, rent, government regulations, incredible paperwork, the constant threat of lawsuits, grinding responsibility and twelve hour days.Auction sellers have no overhead, no utilities, no employees, no employee taxes and no rent.

3. Risk? What risk?

There is NO financial risk for start-up!

It is cheap, cheap, cheap to start an auction business! You never have to worry about employees, rent, costly technology or any of the other expenses that suck up the money of an netrepreneur. Somebody else has already created the system and taken all the risk.

Having an eBay consignment business, you list other people's things. Therefore, you have no merchandise costs.

Or if you decide to list cars on eBay motors for car dealers and private parties, you simply are listing vehicles they already own. Still, no upfront costs that must come out of your pocket!

Compare the cost of traditional business expenses with that of your new eBay business and there is no comparison.

The two tools that you absolutely must have to sell on eBay are a computer and access to the Internet. A digital camera helps too.

Everyone has stuff to sell, your clients will be very easy to find and unlimited.

4. It is simple to learn!

You can start your new business one day and the next, your first item can be already listed.

5. The amount of time you spend is entirely up to YOU.

You can spend an 3 hours a week... or ten hours a day... on your auction business. Your level of involvement is your decision.

Increase your level of involvement whenever you want to. Your choice. No desperation. No risk.

6. There is the FUN FACTOR (the best part)!

An eBay consignment business or eBay motors dealer assistant business lets you follow your passion, meet new people and be entertained -- all while you are "working."

Don't miss out on the greatest money-making opportunity in history. There absolutely is no easier and safer way to make money. While you read these words, someone is making money on auctions. Why aren't you?


For complete help on how to start and run your own ebay consignment business & become a trading assistant, please visit our website. You'll even learn how to make thousands a month listing cars on ebay motors for auto dealers and the public. NO license or selling required, you just list on ebay & collect your fee.


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