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From Ebay Zero To Power-Selling Hero: What It Takes

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be "the best of the best"; to outcompete everyone who tries to dowhat you are doing--and to keep them guessing exactlywhat it is that makes you so much better?

If you've ever owned a commercial website before, youknow who these people are: they're the ones who sell the same product as you, but make $200,000 each year doing it. They have top rankings on search engines, flocks of loyal visitors, and a mailing list with500,000 subscribers.

As a webmaster, two things separate them from you:time and money. Either they spent time gaining experience, building a business, and promoting a website or they hired a professional staff thatmultiplied their time by carrying out those tasks.

Money also separates you from them. They can buycutting-edge products, hire elancers, and purchasemore lucrative forms of advertising.

As an Ebay seller, things are quite different. Youdon't have to build a 25,000-page website with uniquecontent and promote it to the ends of the earth justto get search engines to notice you.

There is only one search engine you need to worryabout--and that's Ebay's, the search engine millionsof shoppers use on a daily basis for one purpose only:to buy.

Ebay gets 1.5 BILLION page views each month. Andas a seller, you have access to it without "building"anything. All you have to do setup shop and pay a small fee for your "slice" of the traffic pie.

To make things even better, you don't need a teamof scientists working around the clock to get onthe first page of listings. When your auction is closing, you will be on the first page--just like everyone else.

Ebay puts you on equal footing with your competition.

Even if they're rich and experienced, you can outcompete them by understanding the single marketmedium you are both using better than they do.

. . .and that's all it takes to be a "Power-Selling Hero," even if you're a zero right now. -Written by Isaiah Hull, author of "How to Profiton Ebay In Seven Days Without Spending A Single Penny." For a limited time only you can get a pre-publication copy of his book for ONE-FOURTH the post-publication price!


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