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Your eBay Username - What Does It Say About You?

Have you tried to register a decent eBay username and been frustrated at the poor names left available? With over 125 million people using eBay in 2004 it is understandable that a lot of the good ones have gone.

How important is registering a good eBay username (User ID) anyway? Well that depends - you may be wanting to register a username for business use so getting the right one would be important. Alternatively you may just be a casual user looking to register a new bidding or selling username and are trying to convey the correct image.

Either way you can bet that the one you want has gone and thatsometimes leaves the less than desirable alternatives available.There are however still thousands of good names leftunregistered out there - it is just a matter of finding them and quickly!

Now a pretty unique and innovative free tool is availableto help you hunt down a good name - in fact a varied selectionof good names!

This tool displays a large number of available names andcan even suggest ones to meet your requirements! The more keywords you enter the more varied the username suggestions returned.

Don't settle for a poor username that conveys the wrongimage - remember this is how other eBay members will know you!

Steve Durkin is a Director of Online Merchants Ltd which operates the Auction Lotwatch network of sites. Auction Lotwatch have been providing a selection of free auction tools and information to the online auction community for nearly five years.


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