Auction Information

Auction Information

Are You an Ebay Shopper?

As I write this article, I am keeping an eye on an item on eBay. Do I have to keep an eye on it? No.

Selling on eBay - Have You Found the Magic Formula Yet?

Selling on eBay can be very profitable and a great way to make some cash while clearing your house of unwanted items at the same time. It's quite simple, just describe and photograph your items and seven to ten days later you'll get a payment though paypal or by cheque posted to you.

Starting an eBay Home Business

Do I need to explain what eBay is?If 'Yes', where have you been living for the past 5 years? On Mars?EBay is the world's largest Internet auction site. There are a reported 30,000,000 users, but that number has probably increased in the time delay between me writing this article and you reading it.

Online Auctions: The New Way of Shopping for Mauritians

Since their introduction several years ago, online auctions, such as eBay, have been one of the hottest destinations on the World Wide Web. Auction sellers are attracted by the prospect of a broad venue for their products and the possibility of high profits.

eBay Listing Service : Make Managing Your Auctions Easy

Do you want to have a lot of auctions going but don't have time to keep track of them all? Trust me, you're not alone. With more and more people making significant portions - if not all - of their income from their eBay auction websites the need has arisen for many people to have someone manage the listing of their auctions for them.

Internet Auction Sites : Find Good Deals on Almost Anything

You can find good deals on almost everything you need on internet auction sites. There is almost nothing that you can't find over the internet.

eBay Motors : Buy or Sell a Car on eBay

Are you having trouble finding a great deal on a car in your local area? Well, join the club. Using Online Bidding at eBay Motors can be the perfect answer you've been looking for.

How To Profit Using eBays Saved Search Feature

Did you know that eBay will help you locate products you can buy cheap, then flip for a quick profit? No? Then listen up, because I am about to let you in on a little known feature of eBay that can literally stuff wads of cash in your wallet in less than 24 hours.This is an eBay tool that I use every day to locate products that I can buy and resell or buy cheap and keep for myself and my family.

Royal Memorabilia - An eBay Prince or Pauper?

There has always been a fascination with royalty and as a niche area for collecting and auction trading, it is still a relatively accessible market. And it can also be extremely interesting.

Everything You Need To Know About Ebay Money Making Opportunities

Ebay money making opportunities are simply the best thing to come along since the wheel. Seriously, everybody from grandmothers to middle school kids are cashing in on what's been called the $14 billion ebay pie.

Selling on eBay? Heres a Success Tip for Your Online Auctions

Are you planning to sell on eBay? Or have you tried in the past but not had much success with your online auctions? If so, here's a strategy that has worked very well for me.In my experience, the auction lots where I created a useful collection of related items got more bids and closed at higher prices than auction lots that were all one thing.

How To Make Money Online : Sell On eBay

Selling on eBay can be very profitable, and is a great way to make some extra cash, or even turn it into a full-time business.If you're retired, or a stay at home Mom or Dad, or are in the market for a part time job you simply have to consider becoming a seller on eBay.

Target Potential Bidders With Laser Beam Precision!

When a potential bidder (customer) is looking at a specific auction you have listed, you can safely gamble that they are interested in that particular item. Now, if you have several things that are similar to that one item the person is looking at, it would be a good idea to let them know that you have other similiar items listed.

Auction Image Hosting for Ebay Auctions: Free Single Most Recommended Tip

It is a well known fact that the more pictures taken of an item, the better it will sell. Not only will you get more bids, but you will make a superior final profit.

Is it Antique and is it Worth Anything?

Is it an antique and is it worth anything?Would you know?At some point in our lives most of us are going to put in a position where we have to ask ourselves the question-Which of my treasured possesions should I keep because they might be worth something and which can I throw away?Would you know??We start our own homes full of enthusiasm and with all the lovely clutter that makes up our lives and that of the family, but as time goes on, the children leave home, we decide to move to a smaller house or maybe we decide to live abroad. At that stage we have to decide what to keep and what to part with.

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