Auction Information

How to Make Money from Internet Auctions

If your business is not using eBay and other Internet auctions, you could be missing out. Here are just a few ways of generating additional income, profits and cashflow from online auctions.

1. Convert Excess Assets to Cash

Sell personal or business items that you no longer use. For example, are there slow moving inventory items in your store? A major camera store chain sells their slow movers, quite successfully, through eBay.

2. Buy and Sell Anything

Sometimes people put things out in the garbage becausethey don`t need them anymore and don`t know anyone who could use them. You can successfully sell some of these items by Internet auction.

As well, if you pick up bargains from garage sales, flea markets, importers, wholesalers, closeout dealers or other sources, these items can also be sold through online auctions.

3. Drop Shipping

There are suppliers who will ship one item at a timefor you. You don`t have to stock any inventory. You simply pay your dropship supplier out of the moneyyou receive from your auction sale. They will ship the product directly to your customer.

For further information about drop shipping, visit:

4. Self-Publishing

Do you have expertise in a specialized area of interest to people? Then, you could publish yourown information product.

A very popular format for self-publishing informationproducts is the electronic book (or e-book). E-book compilers, some of which are free, are readily available on the Internet. When people buy your e-book, they can download it from your website orreceive it by e-mail.

You could sell such self-published information products on eBay and other Internet auction sites.Incidentally, online auctions are an inexpensive method of testing the market for your information (or other) products.

For further information about self-publishing, visit:

5. Reprint and Resale Rights

You may not want to produce your own information products presently. Or, perhaps, you may already have an information product, but would like to supplement your income with additional, relatedproduct offerings. This is where reprint and resalerights come in.

You can buy the rights to reprint or resell excellent information products created by other people. Some ofthese rights are inexpensive.

In addition to selling these products from your own website, you can use Internet auctions to create extra sales. Another advantage of online auctions is that they can create additional traffic for your website.

For further information about reprint and resale rights,visit

6. Sell Your Services

Do you design logos or websites? Do you sell consulting or other services? These, also, can be successfully soldthrough eBay and other auction sites.

7. Run an eBay Consignment Shop

There are still people who don`t have a computer or who don`t use eBay. You could sell on a consignment basis for them, taking a commission on the successful sale. You would need to charge for advertising expenses incurred, such as eBay listing and selling fees.

8. Promote Affiliate Programs through Auctions

Some affiliate programs have brandable e-books that contain your affiliate link. When people order from the e-book that they bought from your online auction,you get credit for the sale. As well, some of thosepurchasers may sign up as affiliates, earning you additional commissions.

Some of these e-books have valuable information thatis worth the nominal value you would sell it for oneBay. In other cases, such an e-book is readilyavailable for free. In this latter case, you mightconsider selling another related product and offerthe e-book as a free bonus.

For further information about affiliate programs, visit

9. Supply Fellow Online Auctioneers

During the gold rush days, it is said that those who sold picks and shovels were more likely to makemoney than those panning for gold. Similarly,since there is such a big market for online auctions,you can make money supplying eBayers with informationand auction tools to help them start and grow theirown online auction business.

10. Internet Auction Consulting

As you gain experience and expertise in online auctions, you might consider charging for yourknowledge.

Consulting services, seminars, information productsand other ways of packaging your knowledge canearn you additional income streams.

For more information about consulting, visit:

These are just a few of the ways you can profit from Internet auctions.

For more information about Internet auctions, visit:


J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., has been helping clients to earn maximum business profits for over twenty-five years.

For valuable Work at Home Small Business Ideas, visit


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