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Multiple Income Streams on eBay within 30 Minutes!

POWERSELL Status, the secrets revealed.

If like thousands of people you have been using eBay and wondering how to gain a regular income, and work from home, this article will help you.

Like many, I have been searching for years for that illusive system which will allow me to work from home, and spend more time with family and friends. MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS are the answer.

What are Multiple Income Streams?

Multiple Income Streams are the Holy Grail of the Internet, those things you hear about but never quite see. The 24 hour a day, 7 days a week income machines.

I have found a very simple technique which has proved very beneficial, and in fact earned me POWERSELLER Status on eBay!!

My secret is simple:

I pick a very popular subject, for example Playstation Repair Guides (eBooks) which are a consistent seller on eBay. First you need to acquire the Guide (from eBay) with Resell Rights. Then you need to think of associated eBooks, which would appeal to buyers of the Repair Guide. I use two such associated eBooks, which are :-

Playstation Cheat Guides (with resell rights)and Repair / Build your own PC (with resell rights)

My reasoning behind the eBooks?

They are connected and will appeal to buyers of the Repair Guide, and anyone searching for either Playstation Repair Guides, Playstation Cheat eBooks OR Repair / Build your own PC guides will come across your Auction. In effect 3 Auctions for the price of one !!!

Other potential pairings would be:

PS Repair Guide, Cheat Guide and Fruit Machine Cheat guide

xBox Repair Guide, xBox Cheat Guide and Repair / Build your own PC Guide

xBox Repair Guide, xBox Cheat Guide and Fruit Machine Cheat Guide

Hopefully the picture should become clearer, and the potential is enormous.

What about PRICING?

All of the eBooks mentioned above can be bought for 99p each, with RESELL Rights. Rather than list two seperate Auctions, with two sets of charges, I list one Auction and charge 1.99 for the package. This has a massive impact on your profit.

One Auction for 99p may incurr basic Auction charges of 50p PLUS 25p per item sold, and 25p per PAYPAL Payment received. Leaving you with a profit of 50p, only after sale number two.

One Auction selling the three eBook Package would also incur basic Auction charges of 50p PLUS 25p per item sold, and 25p per PAYPAL Payment received. Leaving a profit in the region of 1 on the first sale, and 1,50 per sale after that.


When the Auction has finished you just relist, and wait for the sales to come through.

This is just a snap shot of the potential for selling small amounts of targeted eBooks on eBay. The opportunities are endless, and very quickly you can build-up 10, 20 and more consistent Income Streams on eBay.


One Income Stream

5 sales per day, making 1.50 per sale = 7.50, 52 a week, over 200 a month

Two Income Streams

5 sales per day x 2, making 1.50 per sale = 15, 112 a week, over 400 a month

Ten Income Streams

5 sales per day x 10, making 1.50 per sale = 75, 525 a week, over 2000 a month

The potential to gain this kind of income is open to people looking to put in the work and effort.

Good luck!

Mark Benson


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