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Mr. Rich vs. Mr. Job: How to Start a Dropship Business on eBay

Mr. Asset vs. Mr. Job....

Discover the Secret Formula of the Rich!

Mr. Job (a.k.a Just Over Broke) Mr. Asset (a.k.a. Financially free)

Would you like to work less and less to earn more and more?

Sounds crazy, but not if you know the secret of the rich!


There is only one way to become financially free...


It's easier to create ASSETS on ebay then it is to work 40-50 hours a week in a dead-end job! Then why do 97% of the population work hard at a job to create money and only 3% create assets?...

The answer...white hot desire!

3% of the population have a burning, white-hot desire to become rich and the other 97% hope to become rich.

If your desire to become rich is anything less then an obsessive, white-hot desire --- there isn't a proven money making system in the world that will work for you.

There are going to be lots of people (97%) reading this who hope to be rich someday...and wonder why they are still living off debt and a prayer even -- though they've tried every money-making system on the planet.

I have a message for YOU...

@ forget hoping or wishing! Believe you're **already rich**

Once you've gone from hoping to be rich to believing you're already're ready to discover how to CREATE ASSETS ON EBAY! If you're still hoping to be rich -- switch the TV on and waste your time somewhere else.

Copyright 2005 AutoPilot Money Machines.

George Watts is the author of "AutoPilot Money Machines on eBay: How to make £1,056.00 a week on eBay clicking a button." He has helped thousands of individuals succeed on eBay. Visit his site to start your free "AutoPilot Money Machines 7-day email course" or email:


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